Block ID Block Namespace ID (+ Data) Block Name Block #item_id_aux
0 air Air 0
1 stone 0 Stone S B  65536
stone 1 Andesite 65537
stone 2 Smooth Andesite 65538
stone 3 Diorite 65539
stone 4 Smooth Diorite 65540
stone 5 Granite 65541
stone 6 Smooth Granite 65542
2 grass Grass Block 131072
3 dirt 0 Dirt S B  196608
dirt 1 Coarse Dirt 196609
4 cobblestone Cobblestone 262144
5 planks 0 Oak Planks S B  327680
planks 1 Spruce Planks 327681
planks 2 Birch Planks 327682
planks 3 Jungle Planks 327683
planks 4 Acacia Planks 327684
planks 5 Dark Oak Planks 327685
6 sapling 0 Oak Sapling 393216
sapling 1 Spruce Sapling 393217
sapling 2 Birch Sapling 393218
sapling 3 Jungle Sapling 393219
sapling 4 Acacia Sapling 393220
sapling 5 Dark Oak Sapling 393221
7 bedrock Bedrock 458752
8 flowing_water Water I S  524288
9 water Stationary Water I S  589824
10 flowing_lava Lava I S  655360
11 lava Stationary Lava I S  720896
12 sand 0 Sand S B  786432
sand 1 Red Sand 786433
13 gravel Gravel 851968
14 gold_ore Gold Ore 917504
15 iron_ore Iron Ore 983040
16 coal_ore Coal Ore 1048576
17 log 0 Oak Log 1114112
log 1 Spruce Log 1114113
log 2 Birch Log 1114114
log 3 Jungle Log 1114115
18 leaves 0 Oak Leaves S B  1179648
leaves 1 Spruce Leaves 1179649
leaves 2 Birch Leaves 1179650
leaves 3 Jungle Leaves 1179651
19 sponge 0 Sponge S B  1245184
sponge 1 Wet Sponge 1245185
20 glass Glass 1310720
21 lapis_ore Lapis Lazuli Ore 1376256
22 lapis_block Lapis Lazuli Block 1441792
23 dispenser Dispenser S E 1507328
24 sandstone 0 Sandstone S B  1572864
sandstone 1 Chiseled Sandstone 1572865
sandstone 2 Smooth Sandstone 1572866
25 noteblock Note Block E 1638400
26 bed Bed I S  1703936
27 golden_rail Powered Rail S  1769472
28 detector_rail Detector Rail S  1835008
29 sticky_piston Sticky Piston S  1900544
30 web Cobweb 1966080
31 tallgrass Tall Grass S B  2031616
32 deadbush Dead Bush 2097152
33 piston Piston S  2162688
34 pistonarmcollision Piston Head I S E 2228224
35 wool 0 White Wool 2293760
wool 1 Orange Wool 2293761
wool 2 Magenta Wool 2293762
wool 3 Light Blue Wool 2293763
wool 4 Yellow Wool 2293764
wool 5 Lime Wool 2293765
wool 6 Pink Wool 2293766
wool 7 Gray Wool 2293767
wool 8 Light Gray Wool 2293768
wool 9 Cyan Wool 2293769
wool 10 Purple Wool 2293770
wool 11 Blue Wool 2293771
wool 12 Brown Wool 2293772
wool 13 Green Wool 2293773
wool 14 Red Wool 2293774
wool 15 Black Wool 2293775
36 element_0 Unknown Element (???) 2359296
37 yellow_flower Dandelion 2424832
38 red_flower 1 Poppy 2490368
red_flower 2 Blue Orchid 2490369
red_flower 3 Allium 2490370
red_flower 4 Azure Bluet 2490371
red_flower 5 Red Tulip 2490372
red_flower 6 Orange Tulip 2490373
red_flower 7 White Tulip 2490374
red_flower 8 Pink Tulip 2490375
red_flower 9 Oxeye Daisy 2490376
red_flower 10 Cornflower 2490377
red_flower 11 Lily of the Valley 2490378
39 brown_mushroom Brown Mushroom 2555904
40 red_mushroom Red Mushroom 2621440
41 gold_block Block of Gold 2686976
42 iron_block Block of Iron 2752512
43 double_stone_slab 0 Double Smooth Stone Slab I S B  2818048
double_stone_slab 1 Double Sandstone Slab 2818049
double_stone_slab 2 Double Oak Planks Slab (Old) 2818050
double_stone_slab 3 Double Cobbletone Slab 2818051
double_stone_slab 4 Double Brick Slab 2818052
double_stone_slab 5 Double Stone Slab 2818053
double_stone_slab 6 Double Quartz Slab 2818054
double_stone_slab 7 Double Nether Brick Slab 2818055
44 stone_slab 0 Smooth Stone Slab S B  2883584
stone_slab 1 Sandstone Slab 2883585
stone_slab 2 Oak Planks Slab (Old) 2883586
stone_slab 3 Cobblestone Slab 2883587
stone_slab 4 Brick Slab 2883588
stone_slab 5 Stone Slab 2883589
stone_slab 6 Quartz Slab 2883590
stone_slab 7 Nether Brick Slab 2883591
45 brick_block Brick Block 2949120
46 tnt TNT S B  3014656
47 bookshelf Bookshelf 3080192
48 mossy_cobblestone Mossy Cobblestone 3145728
49 obsidian Obsidian 3211264
50 torch Torch S  3276800
51 fire Fire I S  3342336
52 mob_spawner Spawner I E 3407872
53 oak_stairs Oak Stairs S  3473408
54 chest Chest S N E 3538944
55 redstone_wire Redstone Wire I S  3604480
56 diamond_ore Diamond Ore 3670016
57 diamond_block Block of Diamond 3735552
58 crafting_table Crafting Table 3801088
59 wheat Wheat Crops I S  3866624
60 farmland Farmland I S  3932160
61 furnace Furnace S N E 3997696
62 lit_furnace Burning Lit Furnace I S N E 4063232
63 standing_sign Oak Standing Sign I S E 4128768
64 oak_door Oak Door I S  4194304
65 ladder Ladder 4259840
66 rail Rail S  4325376
67 stone_stairs Cobblestone Stairs S  4390912
68 wall_sign Oak Wall Sign I S E 4456448
69 lever Lever S  4521984
70 stone_pressure_plate Stone Pressure Plate S  4587520
71 iron_door Iron Door I S  4653056
72 wooden_pressure_plate Oak Pressure Plate S  4718592
73 redstone_ore Redstone Ore 4784128
74 lit_redstone_ore Glowing Redstone Ore I  4849664
75 unlit_redstone_torch Unlit Redstone Torch I S  4915200
76 redstone_torch Redstone Torch S  4980736
77 stone_button Stone Button S  5046272
78 snow_layer Top Snow S  5111808
79 ice Ice 5177344
80 snow Snow 5242880
81 cactus Cactus S  5308416
82 clay Clay 5373952
83 reeds Sugar Cane I S  5439488
84 jukebox Jukebox S E 5505024
85 fence 0 Oak Fence S B  5570560
fence 1 Spruce Fence 5570561
fence 2 Birch Fence 5570562
fence 3 Jungle Fence 5570563
fence 4 Acacia Fence 5570564
fence 5 Dark Oak Fence 5570565
86 pumpkin Pumpkin 5636096
87 netherrack Netherrack 5701632
88 soul_sand Soul Sand 5767168
89 glowstone Glowstone 5832704
90 portal Portal I S  5898240
91 lit_pumpkin Jack o'Lantern S  5963776
92 cake Cake I S  6029312
93 unpowered_repeater Redstone Repeater I S  6094848
94 powered_repeater Active Redstone Repeater I S  6160384
95 invisiblebedrock Invisible Bedrock 6225920
96 wooden_trapdoor Oak Trapdoor S  6291456
97 monster_egg 0 Stone Monster Egg I S B  6356992
monster_egg 1 Cobblestone Monster Egg 6356993
monster_egg 2 Stone Brick Monter Egg 6356994
monster_egg 3 Mossy Stone Brick Monster Egg 6356995
monster_egg 4 Cracked Stone Brick Monster Egg 6356996
monster_egg 5 Chiseled Stone Brick Monster Egg 6356997
98 stonebrick 0 Stone Bricks 6422528
stonebrick 1 Mossy Stone Bricks 6422529
stonebrick 2 Cracked Stone Bricks 6422530
stonebrick 3 Chiseled Stone Bricks 6422531
stonebrick 4 Stone Bricks 6422532
99 brown_mushroom_block Brown Mushroom Block I S B  6488064
100 red_mushroom_block Red Mushroom Block I S B  6553600
101 iron_bars Iron Bars S  6619136
102 glass_pane Glass Pane S  6684672
103 melon_block Melon 6750208
104 pumpkin_stem Pumpkin Stem I S  6815744
105 melon_stem Melon Stem I S  6881280
106 vine Vines S  6946816
107 fence_gate Oak Fence Gate S  7012352
108 brick_stairs Brick Stairs S  7077888
109 stone_brick_stairs Stone Brick Stairs S  7143424
110 mycelium Mycelium 7208960
111 waterlily Lily Pad S  7274496
112 nether_brick_block Nether Brick Block 7340032
113 nether_brick_fence Nether Brick Fence S  7405568
114 nether_brick_stairs Nether Brick Stairs S  7471104
115 nether_wart Nether Wart I S  7536640
116 enchanting_table Enchantment Table E 7602176
117 brewing_stand Brewing Stand I S N E 7667712
118 cauldron Cauldron I S B E 7733248
119 end_portal End Portal E 7798784
120 end_portal_frame End Portal Frame S B  7864320
121 end_stone End Stone 7929856
122 dragon_egg Dragon Egg 7995392
123 redstone_lamp Redstone Lamp (inactive) 8060928
124 lit_redstone_lamp Redstone Lamp (active) I  8126464
125 dropper Dropper S E 8192000
126 activator_rail Activator Rail S  8257536
127 cocoa Cocoa I S  8323072
128 sandstone_stairs Sandstone Stairs S  8388608
129 emerald_ore Emerald Ore 8454144
130 ender_chest Ender Chest S E 8519680
131 tripwire_hook Tripwire Hook S  8585216
132 tripwire Tripwire I S  8650752
133 emerald_block Block of Emerald 8716288
134 spruce_stairs Spruce Stairs S  8781824
135 birch_stairs Birch Stairs S  8847360
136 jungle_stairs Jungle Stairs S  8912896
137 command_block Impulse Command Block S N E 8978432
138 beacon Beacon E 9043968
139 cobblestone_wall Cobblestone Wall S B  9109504
140 flower_pot Flower Pot I S E 9175040
141 carrots Carrots I S  9240576
142 potatoes Potatoes I S  9306112
143 wooden_button Oak Button S  9371648
144 skull Mob head I S E 9437184
145 anvil Anvil S B  9502720
146 trapped_chest Trapped Chest S N E 9568256
147 light_weighted_pressure_plate Weighted Pressure Plate (Light) S  9633792
148 heavy_weighted_pressure_plate Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) S  9699328
149 unpowered_comparator Redstone Comparator (unpowered) I S E 9764864
150 powered_comparator Redstone Comparator (powered) I S E 9830400
151 daylight_detector Daylight Sensor E 9895936
152 redstone_block Block of Redstone 9961472
153 quartz_ore Nether Quartz Ore 10027008
154 hopper Hopper I S N E 10092544
155 quartz_block 0 Block of Quartz S B  10158080
quartz_block 1 Chiseled Quartz Block 10158081
quartz_block 2 Pillar Quartz Block 10158082
quartz_block 3 Smooth Quartz Block 10158083
156 quartz_stairs Quartz Stairs S  10223616
157 double_wooden_slab 0 Oak Double Slab I S B  10289152
double_wooden_slab 1 Spruce Double Slab 10289153
double_wooden_slab 2 Birch Double Slab 10289154
double_wooden_slab 3 Jungle Double Slab 10289155
double_wooden_slab 4 Acacia Double Slab 10289156
double_wooden_slab 5 Dark Oak Double Slab 10289157
158 wooden_slab 0 Oak Slab S B  10354688
wooden_slab 1 Spruce Slab 10354689
wooden_slab 2 Birch Slab 10354690
wooden_slab 3 Jungle Slab 10354691
wooden_slab 4 Acacia Slab 10354692
wooden_slab 5 Dark Oak Slab 10354693
159 stained_hardened_clay 0 White Terracotta 10420224
stained_hardened_clay 1 Orange Terracotta 10420225
stained_hardened_clay 2 Magenta Terracotta 10420226
stained_hardened_clay 3 Light Blue Terracotta 10420227
stained_hardened_clay 4 Yellow Terracotta 10420228
stained_hardened_clay 5 Lime Terracotta 10420229
stained_hardened_clay 6 Pink Terracotta 10420230
stained_hardened_clay 7 Gray Terracotta 10420231
stained_hardened_clay 8 Light Gray Terracotta 10420232
stained_hardened_clay 9 Cyan Terracotta 10420233
stained_hardened_clay 10 Purple Terracotta 10420234
stained_hardened_clay 11 Blue Terracotta 10420235
stained_hardened_clay 12 Brown Terracotta 10420236
stained_hardened_clay 13 Green Terracotta 10420237
stained_hardened_clay 14 Red Terracotta 10420238
stained_hardened_clay 15 Black Terracotta 10420239
160 stained_glass_pane 0 White Stained Glass Pane 10485760
stained_glass_pane 1 Orange Stained Glass Pane 10485761
stained_glass_pane 2 Magenta Stained Glass Pane 10485762
stained_glass_pane 3 Light Blue Stained Glass Pane 10485763
stained_glass_pane 4 Yellow Stained Glass Pane 10485764
stained_glass_pane 5 Lime Stained Glass Pane 10485765
stained_glass_pane 6 Pink Stained Glass Pane 10485766
stained_glass_pane 7 Gray Stained Glass Pane 10485767
stained_glass_pane 8 Light Gray Stained Glass Pane 10485768
stained_glass_pane 9 Cyan Stained Glass Pane 10485769
stained_glass_pane 10 Purple Stained Glass Pane 10485770
stained_glass_pane 11 Blue Stained Glass Pane 10485771
stained_glass_pane 12 Brown Stained Glass Pane 10485772
stained_glass_pane 13 Green Stained Glass Pane 10485773
stained_glass_pane 14 Red Stained Glass Pane 10485774
stained_glass_pane 15 Black Stained Glass Pane 10485775
161 leaves2 0 Acacia Leaves S B  10551296
leaves2 1 Dark Oak Leaves 10551297
162 log2 0 Acacia Log S B  10616832
log2 1 Dark Oak Log 10616833
163 acacia_stairs Acacia Stairs S  10682368
164 dark_oak_stairs Dark Oak Stairs S  10747904
165 slime Slime Block 10813440
166 glow_stick Glow Stick D B  10878976
167 iron_trapdoor Iron Trapdoor S  10944512
168 prismarine 0 Prismarine S B  11010048
prismarine 1 Dark Prismarine 11010049
prismarine 2 Prismarine Bricks 11010050
169 sealantern Sea Lantern 11075584
170 hay_block Hay Bale S  11141120
171 carpet 0 White Carpet 11206656
carpet 1 Orange Carpet 11206657
carpet 2 Magenta Carpet 11206658
carpet 3 Light Blue Carpet 11206659
carpet 4 Yellow Carpet 11206660
carpet 5 Lime Carpet 11206661
carpet 6 Pink Carpet 11206662
carpet 7 Gray Carpet 11206663
carpet 8 Light Gray Carpet 11206664
carpet 9 Cyan Carpet 11206665
carpet 10 Purple Carpet 11206666
carpet 11 Blue Carpet 11206667
carpet 12 Brown Carpet 11206668
carpet 13 Green Carpet 11206669
carpet 14 Red Carpet 11206670
carpet 15 Black Carpet 11206671
172 hardened_clay Terracotta S B  11272192
173 coal_block Block of Coal 11337728
174 packed_ice Packed Ice 11403264
175 double_plant 0 Sunflower S B  11468800
double_plant 1 Lilac 11468801
double_plant 2 Double Tall Grass 11468802
double_plant 3 Tall Fern 11468803
double_plant 4 Rose Bush 11468804
double_plant 5 Peony 11468805
176 standing_banner 0 Black Standing Banner I S E 11534336
standing_banner 1 Red Standing Banner 11534337
standing_banner 2 Green Standing Banner 11534338
standing_banner 3 Brown Standing Banner 11534339
standing_banner 4 Blue Standing Banner 11534340
standing_banner 5 Purple Standing Banner 11534341
standing_banner 6 Cyan Standing Banner 11534342
standing_banner 7 Light Gray Standing Banner 11534343
standing_banner 8 Gray Standing Banner 11534344
standing_banner 9 Pink Standing Banner 11534345
standing_banner 10 Lime Standing Banner 11534346
standing_banner 11 Yellow Standing Banner 11534347
standing_banner 12 Light Blue Standing Banner 11534348
standing_banner 13 Magenta Standing Banner 11534349
standing_banner 14 Orange Standing Banner 11534350
standing_banner 15 White Standing Banner 11534351
177 wall_banner 0 Black Wall Banner I S E 11599872
wall_banner 1 Red Wall Banner 11599873
wall_banner 2 Green Wall Banner 11599874
wall_banner 3 Brown Wall Banner 11599875
wall_banner 4 Blue Wall Banner 11599876
wall_banner 5 Purple Wall Banner 11599877
wall_banner 6 Cyan Wall Banner 11599878
wall_banner 7 Light Gray Wall Banner 11599879
wall_banner 8 Gray Wall Banner 11599880
wall_banner 9 Pink Wall Banner 11599881
wall_banner 10 Lime Wall Banner 11599882
wall_banner 11 Yellow Wall Banner 11599883
wall_banner 12 Light Blue Wall Banner 11599884
wall_banner 13 Magenta Wall Banner 11599885
wall_banner 14 Orange Wall Banner 11599886
wall_banner 15 White Wall Banner 11599887
178 daylight_detector_inverted Inverted Daylight Detector I E 11665408
179 red_sandstone 0 Red Sandstone S B  11730944
red_sandstone 1 Red Chiseled Sandstone 11730945
red_sandstone 2 Red Smooth Sandstone 11730946
180 red_sandstone_stairs Red Sandstone Stairs S  11796480
181 double_stone_slab2 0 Double Red Sandstone Slab I S B  11862016
double_stone_slab2 1 Double Purpur Slab 11862017
182 stone_slab2 0 Red Sandstone Slab S B  11927552
stone_slab2 1 Purpur Slab 11927553
183 spruce_fence_gate Spruce Fence Gate S  11993088
184 birch_fence_gate Birch Fence Gate S  12058624
185 jungle_fence_gate Jungle Fence Gate S  12124160
186 dark_oak_fence_gate Dark Oak Fence Gate S  12189696
187 acacia_fence_gate Acacia Fence Gate S  12255232
188 repeating_command_block Repeating Command Block S N E 12320768
189 chain_command_block Chain Command Block S N E 12386304
190 hard_glass_pane Hardened Glass Pane S B  12451840
191 hard_stained_glass_pane Hardened Stained Glass Pane S B  12517376
192 chemical_heat Heat Block 12582912
193 spruce_door Spruce Door I S  12648448
194 birch_door Birch Door I S  12713984
195 jungle_door Jungle Door I S  12779520
196 acacia_door Acacia Door I S  12845056
197 dark_oak_door Dark Oak Door I S  12910592
198 grass_path Grass Path 12976128
199 frame Item Frame I S N  13041664
200 chorus_flower Chorus Flower S  13107200
201 purpur_block Purpur Block S B  13172736
202 colored_torch_rg Red Torch S B  13238272
203 purpur_stairs Purpur Stairs S  13303808
204 colored_torch_bp Blue Torch S B  13369344
205 undyed_shulker_box Shulker Box (Undyed) S N E 13434880
206 end_bricks End Stone Bricks 13500416
207 frosted_ice Frosted Ice S  13565952
208 end_rod End Rod S  13631488
209 end_gateway End Gateway I E 13697024
210 allow Allow 13762560
211 deny Deny 13828096
212 border_block Border 13893632
213 magma Magma Block 13959168
214 nether_wart_block Nether Wart Block 14024704
215 red_nether_brick Red Nether Brick 14090240
216 bone_block Bone Block S  14155776
217 structure_void Structure Void 14221312
218 shulker_box 0 White Shulker Box S B N E 14286848
shulker_box 1 Orange Shulker Box 14286849
shulker_box 2 Magenta Shulker Box 14286850
shulker_box 3 Light Blue Shulker Box 14286851
shulker_box 4 Yellow Shulker Box 14286852
shulker_box 5 Lime Shulker Box 14286853
shulker_box 6 Pink Shulker Box 14286854
shulker_box 7 Gray Shulker Box 14286855
shulker_box 8 Light Gray Shulker Box 14286856
shulker_box 9 Cyan Shulker Box 14286857
shulker_box 10 Purple Shulker Box 14286858
shulker_box 11 Blue Shulker Box 14286859
shulker_box 12 Brown Shulker Box 14286860
shulker_box 13 Green Shulker Box 14286861
shulker_box 14 Red Shulker Box 14286862
shulker_box 15 Black Shulker Box 14286863
219 purple_glazed_terracotta Purple Glazed Terracotta 14352384
220 white_glazed_terracotta White Glazed Terracotta 14417920
221 orange_glazed_terracotta Orange Glazed Terracotta 14483456
222 magenta_glazed_terracotta Magenta Glazed Terracotta 14548992
223 light_blue_glazed_terracotta Light Blue Glazed Terracotta 14614528
224 yellow_glazed_terracotta Yellow Glazed Terracotta 14680064
225 lime_glazed_terracotta Lime Glazed Terracotta 14745600
226 pink_glazed_terracotta Pink Glazed Terracotta 14811136
227 gray_glazed_terracotta Gray Glazed Terracotta 14876672
228 silver_glazed_terracotta Light Gray Glazed Terracotta 14942208
229 cyan_glazed_terracotta Cyan Glazed Terracotta 15007744
231 blue_glazed_terracotta Blue Glazed Terracotta 15138816
232 brown_glazed_terracotta Brown Glazed Terracotta 15204352
233 green_glazed_terracotta Green Glazed Terracotta 15269888
234 red_glazed_terracotta Red Glazed Terracotta 15335424
235 black_glazed_terracotta Black Glazed Terracotta 15400960
236 concrete 0 White Concrete S B  15466496
concrete 1 Orange Concrete 15466497
concrete 2 Magenta Concrete 15466498
concrete 3 Light Blue Concrete 15466499
concrete 4 Yellow Concrete 15466500
concrete 5 Lime Concrete 15466501
concrete 6 Pink Concrete 15466502
concrete 7 Gray Concrete 15466503
concrete 8 Light Gray Concrete 15466504
concrete 9 Cyan Concrete 15466505
concrete 10 Purple Concrete 15466506
concrete 11 Blue Concrete 15466507
concrete 12 Brown Concrete 15466508
concrete 13 Green Concrete 15466509
concrete 14 Red Concrete 15466510
concrete 15 Black Concrete 15466511
237 concretepowder 0 White Concrete Powder S B  15532032
concretepowder 1 Orange Concrete Powder 15532033
concretepowder 2 Magenta Concrete Powder 15532034
concretepowder 3 Light Blue Concrete Powder 15532035
concretepowder 4 Yellow Concrete Powder 15532036
concretepowder 5 Lime Concrete Powder 15532037
concretepowder 6 Pink Concrete Powder 15532038
concretepowder 7 Gray Concrete Powder 15532039
concretepowder 8 Light Gray Concrete Powder 15532040
concretepowder 9 Cyan Concrete Powder 15532041
concretepowder 10 Purple Concrete Powder 15532042
concretepowder 11 Blue Concrete Powder 15532043
concretepowder 12 Brown Concrete Powder 15532044
concretepowder 13 Green Concrete Powder 15532045
concretepowder 14 Red Concrete Powder 15532046
concretepowder 15 Black Concrete Powder 15532047
238 chemistry_table Compound Creator S B  15597568
239 underwater_torch Underwater Torch S  15663104
240 chorus_plant Chorus Plant I S  15728640
241 stained_glass 0 White Stained Glass S B  15794176
stained_glass 1 Orange Stained Glass 15794177
stained_glass 2 Magenta Stained Glass 15794178
stained_glass 3 Light Blue Stained Glass 15794179
stained_glass 4 Yellow Stained Glass 15794180
stained_glass 5 Lime Stained Glass 15794181
stained_glass 6 Pink Stained Glass 15794182
stained_glass 7 Gray Stained Glass 15794183
stained_glass 8 Light Gray Stained Glass 15794184
stained_glass 9 Cyan Stained Glass 15794185
stained_glass 10 Purple Stained Glass 15794186
stained_glass 11 Blue Stained Glass 15794187
stained_glass 12 Brown Stained Glass 15794188
stained_glass 13 Green Stained Glass 15794189
stained_glass 14 Red Stained Glass 15794190
stained_glass 15 Black Stained Glass 15794191
242 camera Camera [note 1] 15859712
243 podzol Podzol 15925248
244 beetroot Beetroots I S  15990784
245 stonecutter Stonecutter 16056320
246 glowingobsidian Glowing Obsidian 16121856
247 netherreactor 0 Nether Reactor Core 16187392
netherreactor 1 Active Nether Reactor Core 16187393
netherreactor 2 Used Nether Reactor Core 16187394
248 info_update Update Game Block (update!) [note 2] 16252928
249 info_update2 Update Game Block (ate!upd) 16318464
250 movingblock Block moved by Piston I E 16384000
251 observer Observer S  16449536
252 structure_block Structure Block S N  16515072
253 hard_glass Hardened Glass S B  16580608
254 hard_stained_glass Hardened Stained Glass S B  16646144
255 reserved6 reserved6 16711680
257 prismarine_stairs Prismarine Stairs S  -131072
258 dark_prismarine_stairs Dark Prismarine Stairs S  -196608
259 prismarine_bricks_stairs Prismarine Brick Stairs S  -262144
260 stripped_spruce_log Stripped Spruce Log S  -327680
261 stripped_birch_log Stripped Birch Log S  -393216
262 stripped_jungle_log Stripped Jungle Log S  -458752
263 stripped_acacia_log Stripped Acacia Log S  -524288
264 stripped_dark_oak_log Stripped Dark Oak Log S  -589824
265 stripped_oak_log Stripped Oak Log S  -655360
266 blue_ice Blue Ice -720896
267 element_1 Hydrogen -786432
268 element_2 Helium -851968
269 element_3 Lithium -917504
270 element_4 Beryllium -983040
271 element_5 Boron -1048576
272 element_6 Carbon -1114112
273 element_7 Nitrogen -1179648
274 element_8 Oxygen -1245184
275 element_9 Fluorine -1310720
276 element_10 Neon -1376256
277 element_11 Sodium -1441792
278 element_12 Magnesium -1507328
279 element_13 Aluminum -1572864
280 element_14 Silicon -1638400
281 element_15 Phosphorus -1703936
282 element_16 Sulfur -1769472
283 element_17 Chlorine -1835008
284 element_18 Argon -1900544
285 element_19 Potassium -1966080
286 element_20 Calcium -2031616
287 element_21 Scandium -2097152
288 element_22 Titanium -2162688
289 element_23 Vanadium -2228224
290 element_24 Chromium -2293760
291 element_25 Manganese -2359296
292 element_26 Iron -2424832
293 element_27 Cobalt -2490368
294 element_28 Nickel -2555904
295 element_29 Copper -2621440
296 element_30 Zinc -2686976
297 element_31 Gallium -2752512
298 element_32 Germanium -2818048
299 element_33 Arsenic -2883584
300 element_34 Selenium -2949120
301 element_35 Bromine -3014656
302 element_36 Krypton -3080192
303 element_37 Rubidium -3145728
304 element_38 Strontium -3211264
305 element_39 Yttrium -3276800
306 element_40 Zirconium -3342336
307 element_41 Niobium -3407872
308 element_42 Molybdenum -3473408
309 element_43 Technetium -3538944
310 element_44 Ruthenium -3604480
311 element_45 Rhodium -3670016
312 element_46 Palladium -3735552
313 element_47 Silver -3801088
314 element_48 Cadmium -3866624
315 element_49 Indium -3932160
316 element_50 Tin -3997696
317 element_51 Antimony -4063232
318 element_52 Tellurium -4128768
319 element_53 Iodine -4194304
320 element_54 Xenon -4259840
321 element_55 Cesium -4325376
322 element_56 Barium -4390912
323 element_57 Lanthanum -4456448
324 element_58 Cerium -4521984
325 element_59 Praseodymium -4587520
326 element_60 Neodymium -4653056
327 element_61 Promethium -4718592
328 element_62 Samarium -4784128
329 element_63 Europium -4849664
330 element_64 Gadolinium -4915200
331 element_65 Terbium -4980736
332 element_66 Dysprosium -5046272
333 element_67 Holmium -5111808
334 element_68 Erbium -5177344
335 element_69 Thulium -5242880
336 element_70 Ytterbium -5308416
337 element_71 Lutetium -5373952
338 element_72 Hafnium -5439488
339 element_73 Tantalum -5505024
340 element_74 Tungsten -5570560
341 element_75 Rhenium -5636096
342 element_76 Osmium -5701632
343 element_77 Iridium -5767168
344 element_78 Platinum -5832704
345 element_79 Gold -5898240
346 element_80 Mercury -5963776
347 element_81 Thallium -6029312
348 element_82 Lead -6094848
349 element_83 Bismuth -6160384
350 element_84 Polonium -6225920
351 element_85 Astatine -6291456
352 element_86 Radon -6356992
353 element_87 Francium -6422528
354 element_88 Radium -6488064
355 element_89 Actinium -6553600
356 element_90 Thorium -6619136
357 element_91 Protactinium -6684672
358 element_92 Uranium -6750208
359 element_93 Neptunium -6815744
360 element_94 Plutonium -6881280
361 element_95 Americium -6946816
362 element_96 Curium -7012352
363 element_97 Berkelium -7077888
364 element_98 Californium -7143424
365 element_99 Einsteinium -7208960
366 element_100 Fermium -7274496
367 element_101 Mendelevium -7340032
368 element_102 Nobelium -7405568
369 element_103 Lawrencium -7471104
370 element_104 Rutherfordium -7536640
371 element_105 Dubnium -7602176
372 element_106 Seaborgium -7667712
373 element_107 Bohrium -7733248
374 element_108 Hassium -7798784
375 element_109 Meitnerium -7864320
376 element_110 Darmstadtium -7929856
377 element_111 Roentgenium -7995392
378 element_112 Copernicium -8060928
379 element_113 Nihonium -8126464
380 element_114 Flerovium -8192000
381 element_115 Moscovium -8257536
382 element_116 Livermorium -8323072
383 element_117 Tennessine -8388608
384 element_118 Oganesson -8454144
385 seagrass Seagrass S  -8519680
386 coral 0 Tube Coral S B  -8585216
coral 1 Brain Coral -8585215
coral 2 Bubble Coral -8585214
coral 3 Fire Coral -8585213
coral 4 Horn Coral -8585212
coral 8 Dead Tube Coral -8585208
coral 9 Dead Brain Coral -8585207
coral 10 Dead Bubble Coral -8585206
coral 11 Dead Fire Coral -8585205
coral 12 Dead Horn Coral -8585204
387 coral_block 0 Tube Coral Block S B  -8650752
coral_block 1 Brain Coral Block -8650751
coral_block 2 Bubble Coral Block -8650750
coral_block 3 Fire Coral Block -8650749
coral_block 4 Horn Coral Block -8650748
coral_block 8 Dead Tube Coral Block -8650744
coral_block 9 Dead Brain Coral Block -8650743
coral_block 10 Dead Bubble Coral Block -8650742
coral_block 11 Dead Fire Coral Block -8650741
coral_block 12 Dead Horn Coral Block -8650740
388 coral_fan 0 Tube Coral Fan S B  -8716288
coral_fan 1 Brain Coral Fan -8716287
coral_fan 2 Bubble Coral Fan -8716286
coral_fan 3 Fire Coral Fan -8716285
coral_fan 4 Horn Coral Fan -8716284
389 coral_fan_dead 0 Dead Tube Coral Fan S B  -8781824
coral_fan_dead 1 Dead Brain Coral Fan -8781823
coral_fan_dead 2 Dead Bubble Coral Fan -8781822
coral_fan_dead 3 Dead Fire Coral Fan -8781821
coral_fan_dead 4 Dead Horn Coral Fan -8781820
390 coral_fan_hang 0 Tube Coral Wall Fan S B  -8847360
coral_fan_hang 1 Brain Coral Wall Fan -8847359
coral_fan_hang 2 Dead Tube Coral Wall Fan -8847358
coral_fan_hang 3 Dead Brain Coral Wall Fan -8847357
391 coral_fan_hang2 0 Bubble Coral Wall Fan S B  -8912896
coral_fan_hang2 1 Fire Coral Wall Fan -8912895
coral_fan_hang2 2 Dead Bubble Coral Wall Fan -8912894
coral_fan_hang2 3 Dead Bubble Fire Coral Wall Fan -8912893
392 coral_fan_hang3 0 Horn Coral Wall Fan S B  -8978432
coral_fan_hang3 1 Dead Horn Coral Wall Fan -8978431
393 kelp Kelp I  -9043968
394 dried_kelp_block Dried Kelp Block -9109504
395 acacia_button Acacia Button S  -9175040
396 birch_button Birch Button S  -9240576
397 dark_oak_button Dark Oak Button S  -9306112
398 jungle_button Jungle Button S  -9371648
399 spruce_button Spruce Button S  -9437184
400 acacia_trapdoor Acacia Trapdoor S  -9502720
401 birch_trapdoor Birch Trapdoor S  -9568256
402 dark_oak_trapdoor Dark Oak Trapdoor S  -9633792
403 jungle_trapdoor Jungle Trapdoor S  -9699328
404 spruce_trapdoor Spruce Trapdoor S  -9764864
405 acacia_pressure_plate Acacia Pressure Plate S  -9830400
406 birch_pressure_plate Birch Pressure Plate S  -9895936
407 dark_oak_pressure_plate Dark Oak Pressure Plate S  -9961472
408 jungle_pressure_plate Jungle Pressure Plate S  -10027008
409 spruce_pressure_plate Spruce Pressure Plate S  -10092544
410 carved_pumpkin Carved Pumpkin S  -10158080
411 sea_pickle Sea Pickle S  -10223616
412 conduit Conduit S E -10289152
414 turtle_egg Sea Turtle Egg S  -10420224
415 bubble_column Bubble Column I S  -10485760
416 barrier Barrier -10551296
417 stone_slab3 End Stone Brick Slab S B  -10616832
418 bamboo Bamboo S  -10682368
419 bamboo_sapling Bamboo Sapling I  -10747904
420 scaffolding Scaffolding S  -10813440
421 stone_slab4 Mossy Stone Brick Slab S B  -10878976
422 double_stone_slab3 Double End Stone Brick Slab I S B  -10944512
423 double_stone_slab4 Double Mossy Stone Brick Slab I S B  -11010048
424 granite_stairs Granite Stairs S  -11075584
425 diorite_stairs Diorite Stairs S  -11141120
426 andesite_stairs Andesite Stairs S  -11206656
427 polished_granite_stairs Polished Granite Stairs S  -11272192
428 polished_diorite_stairs Polished Diorite Stairs S  -11337728
429 polished_andesite_stairs Polished Andesite Stairs S  -11403264
430 mossy_stone_brick_stairs Mossy Stone Brick Stairs S  -11468800
431 smooth_red_sandstone_stairs Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs -11534336
432 smooth_sandstone_stairs Smooth Sandstone Stairs S  -11599872
433 end_brick_stairs End Stone Brick Stairs S  -11665408
434 mossy_cobblestone_stairs Mossy Cobblestone Stairs S  -11730944
435 normal_stone_stairs Stone Stairs S  -11796480
436 spruce_standing_sign Spruce Standing Sign I S E -11862016
437 spruce_wall_sign Spruce Wall Sign I S E -11927552
438 smooth_stone Smooth Stone -11993088
439 red_nether_brick_stairs Red Nether Brick Stairs S  -12058624
440 smooth_quartz_stairs Smooth Quartz Stairs S  -12124160
441 birch_standing_sign Birch Standing Sign I S E -12189696
442 birch_wall_sign Birch Wall Sign I S E -12255232
443 jungle_standing_sign Jungle Standing Sign I S E -12320768
444 jungle_wall_sign Jungle Wall Sign I S E -12386304
445 acacia_standing_sign Acacia Standing Sign I S E -12451840
446 acacia_wall_sign Acacia Wall Sign I S E -12517376
447 darkoak_standing_sign Dark Oak Standing Sign I S E -12582912
448 darkoak_wall_sign Dark Oak Wall Sign I S E -12648448
449 lectern Lectern S N E -12713984
450 grindstone Grindstone S  -12779520
451 blast_furnace Blast Furnace S N E -12845056
452 stonecutter_block Stonecutter Block S  -12910592
453 smoker Smoker S N E -12976128
454 lit_smoker Lit Smoker I S N E -13041664
455 cartography_table Cartography Table -13107200
456 fletching_table Fletching Table -13172736
457 smithing_table Smithing Table -13238272
458 barrel Barrel S N E -13303808
459 loom Loom S  -13369344
461 bell Bell S E -13500416
462 sweet_berry_bush Sweet Berry Bush I S  -13565952
463 lantern Lantern S  -13631488
464 campfire Campfire I S N E -13697024
465 lava_cauldron Lava Cauldron I S B E -13762560
466 jigsaw Jigsaw S N E -13828096
467 wood Wood S  -13893632
468 composter Composter S  -13959168
469 lit_blast_furnace Lit Blast Furnace I S N E -14024704
470 light_block Light Block S B  -14090240
471 wither_rose Wither Rose -14155776
472 stickypistonarmcollision Sticky Piston Head I E -14221312
473 bee_nest Bee Nest S B N  -14286848
474 beehive Beehive S B N  -14352384
475 honey_block Honey Block -14417920
476 honeycomb_block Honeycomb Block -14483456
477 lodestone Lodestone -14548992
478 crimson_roots Crimson Roots -14614528
479 warped_roots Warped Roots -14680064
480 crimson_stem Crimson Stem -14745600
481 warped_stem Warped Stem -14811136
482 warped_wart_block Warped Wart Block -14876672
483 crimson_fungus Crimson Fungus -14942208
484 warped_fungus Warped Fungus -15007744
485 shroomlight Shroomlight -15073280
486 weeping_vines Weeping Vines -15138816
487 crimson_nylium Crimson Nylium -15204352
488 warped_nylium Warped Nylium -15269888
489 basalt Basalt -15335424
490 polished_basalt Polished Basalt -15400960
491 soul_soil Soul Soil -15466496
492 soul_fire Soul Fire -15532032
493 nether_sprouts Nether Sprouts -15597568
494 target Target  -15663104
495 stripped_crimson_stem Stripped Crimson Stem -15728640
496 stripped_warped_stem Stripped Warped Stem -15794176
497 crimson_planks Crimson Planks -15859712
498 warped_planks Warped Planks -15925248
499 crimson_door Crimson Door -15990784
500 warped_door Warped Door -16056320
501 crimson_trapdoor Crimson Trapdoor -16121856
502 warped_trapdoor Warped Trapdoor -16187392
505 crimson_standing_sign Crimson Standing Sign -16384000
506 warped_standing_sign Warped Standing Sign -16449536
507 crimson_wall_sign Crimson Wall Sign -16515072
508 warped_wall_sign Warped Wall Sign -16580608
509 crimson_stairs Crimson Stairs -16646144
510 warped_stairs Warped Stairs -16711680
511 crimson_fence Crimson Fence -16777216
512 warped_fence Warped Fence -16842752
513 crimson_fence_gate Crimson Fencegate -16908288
514 warped_fence_gate Warped Fencegate -16973824
515 crimson_button Crimson Button -17039360
516 warped_button Warped Button -17104896
517 crimson_pressure_plate Crimson Pressure Plate -17170432
518 warped_pressure_plate Warped Pressure Plate -17235968
519 crimson_slab Crimson Slab -17301504
520 warped_slab Warped Slab -17367040
521 double_crimson_slab Double Crimson Slab -17432576
522 double_warped_slab Double Warped Slab -17498112
523 soul_torch Soul Torch -17563648
524 soul_lantern Soul Lantern -17629184
525 netherite_block Block of Netherite -17694720
526 ancient_debris Ancient Debris -17760256
527 respawn_anchor Respawn Anchor -17825792
528 blackstone Blackstone -17891328
529 polished_blackstone_bricks Polished Blackstone Bricks -17956864
530 polished_blackstone_brick_stairs Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs -18022400
531 blackstone_stairs Blackstone Stairs -18087936
532 blackstone_wall Blackstone Wall -18153472
533 polished_blackstone_brick_wall Polished Blackstone Brick Wall -18219008
534 chiseled_polished_blackstone Chiseled Polished Blackstone -18284544
535 cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks -18350080
536 gilded_blackstone Gilded Blackstone -18415616
537 blackstone_slab Blackstone Slab -18481152
538 double_blackstone_slab Double Blackstone Slab -18546688
539 polished_blackstone_brick_slab Polished Blackstone Brick Slab -18612224
540 double_polished_blackstone_brick_slab Double Polished Blackstone Brick Slab -18677760
541 chain Chain -18743296
542 twisting_vines Twisting Vines -18808832
543 nether_gold_ore Nether Gold Ore -18874368
544 crying_obsidian Crying Obsidian -18939904
545 soul_campfire Soul Campfire -19005440
546 polished_blackstone Polished Blackstone -19070976
547 polished_blackstone_stairs Polished Blackstone Stairs -19136512
548 polished_blackstone_slab Polished Blackstone Slab -19202048
549 double_polished_blackstone_slab Double Polished Blackstone Slab -19267584
550 polished_blackstone_pressure_plate Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate -19333120
551 polished_blackstone_button Polished Blackstone Button -19398656
552 polished_blackstone_wall Polished Blackstone Wall -19464192
553 warped_hyphae Warped Hyphae -19529728
554 crimson_hyphae Crimson Hyphae -19595264
555 stripped_crimson_hyphae Stripped Crimson Hyphae -19660800
556 stripped_warped_hyphae Stripped Warped Hyphae -19726336
557 chiseled_nether_bricks Chiseled Nether Bricks -19791872
558 cracked_nether_bricks Cracked Nether Bricks -19857408
559 quartz_bricks Quartz Bricks -19922944
560 ??? ??? -19988480
561 powder_snow Powder Snow -20054016
562 sculk_sensor Sculk Sensor -20119552
563 pointed_dripstone Pointed Dripstone -20185088
566 copper_ore Copper Ore -20381696
567 lightning_rod Lightning Rod -20447232
572 dripstone_block Dripstone Block -20774912
573 rooted_dirt Rooted Dirt -20840448
574 hanging_roots Hanging Roots -20905984
575 moss_block Moss Block -20971520
576 spore_blossom Spore Blossom -21037056
577 cave_vines Cave Vines -21102592
578 big_dripleaf Big Dripleaf -21168128
579 azalea_leaves Azalea Leaves -21233664
580 azalea_leaves_flowered Flowered Azalea Leaves -21299200
590 moss_carpet Moss Carpet -21954560
591 small_dripleaf Small Dripleaf -22020096
592 azalea Azalea -22085632
593 flowering_azalea Flowering Azalea -22151168
594 glow_frame Glow Frame -22216704
595 copper_block Copper Block -22282240
596 exposed_copper Exposed Copper Block -22347776
597 weathered_copper Weathered Copper Block -22413312
598 oxidized_copper Oxidized Copper Block -22478848
599 waxed_copper Waxed Copper Block -22544384
600 waxed_exposed_copper Waxed Exposed Copper Block -22609920
601 waxed_weathered_copper Waxed Weathered Copper Block -22675456
602 cut_copper Cut Copper Block -22740992
603 exposed_cut_copper Exposed Cut Copper Block -22806528
604 weathered_cut_copper Weathered Cut Copper Block -22872064
605 oxidized_cut_copper Oxidized Cut Copper Block -22937600
606 waxed_cut_copper Waxed Cut Copper Block -23003136
607 waxed_exposed_cut_copper Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Block -23068672
608 waxed_weathered_cut_copper Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Block -23134208
609 cut_copper_stairs Cut Copper Stairs -23199744
610 exposed_cut_copper_stairs Exposed Cut Copper Stairs -23265280
611 weathered_cut_copper_stairs Weathered Cut Copper Stairs -23330816
612 oxidized_cut_copper_stairs Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs -23396352
613 waxed_cut_copper_stairs Waxed Cut Copper Stairs -23461888
614 waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs -23527424
615 waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs -23592960
616 cut_copper_slab Cut Copper Slab -23658496
617 exposed_cut_copper_slab Exposed Cut Copper Slab -23724032
618 weathered_cut_copper_slab Weathered Cut Copper Slab -23789568
619 oxidized_cut_copper_slab Oxidized Cut Copper Slab -23855104
620 waxed_cut_copper_slab Waxed Cut Copper Slab -23920640
621 waxed_exposed_cut_copper_slab Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab -23986176
622 waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab -24051712
623 cut_copper Cut Copper Block -24117248
624 exposed_cut_copper Exposed Cut Copper Block -24182784
625 weathered_cut_copper Weathered Cut Copper Block -24248320
626 oxidized_cut_copper Oxidized Cut Copper Block -24313856
627 waxed_cut_copper Waxed Cut Copper Block -24379392
628 waxed_exposed_cut_copper Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Block -24444928
629 waxed_weathered_cut_copper Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Block -24510464
630 cave_vines_body_berries Cave Vines Body with Berries -24576000
631 cave_vines_head_berries Cave Vines Head with Berries -24641536
666 glow_lichen Glow Lichen -26935296